Pauls dad made a turkey pot pie for dinner on Wednesday. The family ate 4/8 of the pie. On thursday after school, Paul ate 2/16 of the pie for a snack. What fraction of the pie remained?

8/8 - (4/8 + 1/8) = ?


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Ans is 3/8

Answer is 3/8

To find the fraction of the pie that remained, we need to subtract the fraction that was eaten from the whole pie.

First, let's calculate the fraction eaten by the family on Wednesday. They ate 4/8 of the pie.

Next, let's calculate the fraction eaten by Paul on Thursday. He ate 2/16 of the pie.

To add and subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 16.

So, let's convert 4/8 to have a denominator of 16:

4/8 * 2/2 = 8/16.

Now, let's add the fraction eaten by the family and Paul:

8/16 + 2/16 = 10/16.

Now that we know the fraction that was eaten, we can subtract it from 1 to find the fraction that remained:

1 - 10/16 = 6/16.

Therefore, 6/16 of the pie remained.