The table below shows the height (in inches) and weight (in pounds) of eight basketball players.

Height=67 69 70 72 74 74 78 79
Weight=183 201 206 220 226 240 253 255

What is the correlation coefficient of the set of data? Round your answer to the nearest thousandth.

a. -0.946
b. 0.596
c. 0.035
d. 0.981***

Probably b.

Its D fa sho

To find the correlation coefficient of the set of data, we can use the Pearson correlation coefficient formula. The formula is as follows:

r = (Σ((xi - mean(x))(yi - mean(y)))) / sqrt(Σ((xi - mean(x))^2) * Σ((yi - mean(y))^2))

- r is the correlation coefficient
- xi and yi are the individual values of the two variables
- mean(x) and mean(y) are the means (averages) of the two variables

Using this formula, we can calculate the correlation coefficient step by step:

1. Calculate the means of the height and weight:
mean(height) = (67 + 69 + 70 + 72 + 74 + 74 + 78 + 79) / 8 = 72.375
mean(weight) = (183 + 201 + 206 + 220 + 226 + 240 + 253 + 255) / 8 = 228.5

2. Calculate the deviations from the means for both height and weight:
(height deviation) = (67 - 72.375), (69 - 72.375), (70 - 72.375), (72 - 72.375), (74 - 72.375), (74 - 72.375), (78 - 72.375), (79 - 72.375)
(weight deviation) = (183 - 228.5), (201 - 228.5), (206 - 228.5), (220 - 228.5), (226 - 228.5), (240 - 228.5), (253 - 228.5), (255 - 228.5)

3. Calculate the sum of the products of the deviations:
Σ((height deviation) * (weight deviation)) = (-5.375)(-45.5) + (-3.375)(-27.5) + (-2.375)(-22.5) + (-0.375)(-8.5) + (1.625)(-2.5) + (1.625)(11.5) + (5.625)(24.5) + (6.625)(26.5) = 600.875

4. Calculate the sum of the squares of the deviations for both height and weight:
Σ((height deviation)^2) = (-5.375)^2 + (-3.375)^2 + (-2.375)^2 + (-0.375)^2 + (1.625)^2 + (1.625)^2 + (5.625)^2 + (6.625)^2 = 118.375
Σ((weight deviation)^2) = (-45.5)^2 + (-27.5)^2 + (-22.5)^2 + (-8.5)^2 + (-2.5)^2 + (11.5)^2 + (24.5)^2 + (26.5)^2 = 6946.5

5. Calculate the square root of the product of the sums of the squares of the deviations:
sqrt(Σ((height deviation)^2) * Σ((weight deviation)^2)) = sqrt(118.375 * 6946.5) = sqrt(822736.125) ≈ 906.952

6. Finally, calculate the correlation coefficient using the formula:
r = (Σ((height deviation) * (weight deviation))) / sqrt(Σ((height deviation)^2) * Σ((weight deviation)^2))
= 600.875 / 906.952 ≈ 0.662 (rounded to three decimal places)

The correlation coefficient of the set of data is approximately 0.662. Therefore, the correct answer is NOT d. 0.981.

So what is the answer doe?