3. A gene is to a chromosome as?

A.)A pea is to a pod****
B.)A front is to a back
C.)A bike is to a car
D.)A building is to a window

4.What is heredity?
A.)Is acquired later in life
B.)The study of reproduction
C.)The process of having offspring
D.)The passing of traits from parents to offspring****

9. In humans, the allele for curly hair and the allele for straight hair show incomplete dominance. The offspring of a curly-haired person and a straight-haired person will have:
A.)curly hair
B.)straight hair
C.)wavy hair****
D.)curly hair and straight hair

Please help fast

He thinks that you answered with this symbol "*"

Number 4 is easy. Its d.

All are right.

To answer question 3, "A gene is to a chromosome as?", you need to understand the relationship between genes and chromosomes. Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for specific traits, while chromosomes are structures in cells that hold genes. The correct answer is A.) A pea is to a pod, as the relationship between a gene and a chromosome is similar to the relationship between a pea and a pod.

For question 4, "What is heredity?", you need to know the definition of heredity. Heredity refers to the passing of traits from parents to offspring through the transmission of genetic information. The correct answer is D.) The passing of traits from parents to offspring.

Lastly, question 9 discusses the concept of incomplete dominance. In humans, the allele for curly hair and the allele for straight hair show incomplete dominance. This means that the offspring of a curly-haired person and a straight-haired person will have a phenotype that falls in between the two parents. The correct answer is C.) Wavy hair.

What's the answer to 3

jerk you didt even answer stupid u just said the question was rght lol