A lot of students find English Language a difficult language to learn. Can you think of the reasons or causes of their difficulties in understanding English and can you also write the results or effects of these difficulties on their educational and professional growth? Write an interesting paragraph using the Cause and Effect writing technique. Follow the example:

A lot of Indian students cannot follow English language properly in their classes and as a result most of them fail in the English language exam. (Continue)

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Many students find English language challenging to learn due to various reasons. One prominent cause is the complex grammatical structure of the language, with its extensive range of tenses, irregular verbs, and exceptions to rules. Additionally, the vast vocabulary and idiomatic expressions pose significant difficulties, especially for non-native speakers. Moreover, the lack of exposure and practice outside the classroom can hinder their language development. Consequently, these difficulties have profound effects on their educational and professional growth. Struggling to understand English language materials, these students may perform poorly in exams and assignments, leading to lower grades overall. Furthermore, their limited English proficiency can impede effective communication and hinder their chances of getting employed in competitive industries requiring bilingual skills. Thus, it becomes crucial to provide adequate support and resources to address these challenges and enhance students' linguistic proficiency for their future success.