a store manager is accipting applications for part time workers. He can hire no more than 14 people. So far he has hired 9 people. Write and solve an inequality to determine how many more people the manager can hire

9 + x <= 14

x <= 5

To determine how many more people the store manager can hire, we need to represent the given information using an inequality.

Let's define a variable to represent the number of additional people the manager can hire. Let's call this variable "x".

Based on the information given, we know that the manager can hire no more than 14 people. Since he has already hired 9 people, the maximum number of additional people he can hire is 14 - 9 = 5.

Therefore, the inequality that represents this situation is:

x ≤ 5

This inequality indicates that the value of "x" (the number of additional people the manager can hire) must be less than or equal to 5.

To solve this inequality, we know that the manager can hire no more than 5 additional people.