a small airplane flies a straight line at the speed of 225 km/hrs. How long does it takes the plane to fly in 30km in minute, hours and seconds


= 0 hours

time=30km/225/60min=1800km/225 min=
= 8 min, no remainder seconds.

To find out how long it takes the airplane to fly 30 km, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the speed of the airplane is 225 km/hr and the distance is 30 km, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = 30 km / 225 km/hr

Calculating this division, we get:

Time = 0.1333 hours

To convert this time into minutes, we can multiply it by 60:

Time = 0.1333 hours * 60 minutes/hour

Calculating this multiplication, we get:

Time = 7.998 minutes

So, it takes approximately 8 minutes for the airplane to fly 30 km.

To convert minutes to seconds, we can multiply by 60:

Time = 8 minutes * 60 seconds/minute

Calculating this multiplication, we get:

Time = 480 seconds

So, it takes approximately 480 seconds for the airplane to fly 30 km.

To determine how long it will take for the small airplane to fly a distance of 30 km, we need to calculate the time using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the distance is 30 km and the speed is 225 km/hr, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = 30 km / 225 km/hr

First, let's calculate the time in minutes:

Time (in minutes) = (30 km / 225 km/hr) * 60 minutes/hr
= (30/225) * 60 minutes
= 0.133 hours * 60 minutes
= 7.98 minutes

So, it will take approximately 7.98 minutes for the plane to fly 30 km.

Next, let's calculate the time in hours:

Time (in hours) = 30 km / 225 km/hr
= 0.133 hours

Finally, let's calculate the time in seconds:

Time (in seconds) = (30 km / 225 km/hr) * 3600 seconds/hr
= (30/225) * 3600 seconds
= 0.133 hours * 3600 seconds
= 479.92 seconds

So, it will take approximately 479.92 seconds for the plane to fly 30 km.