I've tried figuring this one out by grouping and by moving some terms around, but I still cant figure it out. Help me please!

factor completely ax+bx-2a-2b

ax-2a + bx-2b

a(x-2) + b(x-2)

Wow thanks that was easier than I thought.

To factor completely the expression ax + bx - 2a - 2b, we can first look for common terms that can be factored out.

Let's break down the expression into two parts:
(a + b)x - 2(a + b)

Now we can observe that there is a common factor of (a + b) in both terms. We can factor it out using the distributive property:

(a + b)(x - 2)

So the fully factored expression is (a + b)(x - 2).

To reach this solution, you need to practice identifying common factors and applying the distributive property to factor out these common factors.