How do I convert Mol/L to Mol/mL?

To convert from mol/L (molarity) to mol/mL (concentration), we need to understand that 1 L is equal to 1000 mL. Therefore, to convert mol/L to mol/mL, we can simply divide the given molarity by 1000. Here is the step-by-step calculation:

1. Take the molarity value given in mol/L.
2. Divide the molarity by 1000 to convert it to mol/mL.

For example, suppose we have a molarity of 2 mol/L. To convert this to mol/mL:

2 mol/L ÷ 1000 = 0.002 mol/mL

So, a molarity of 2 mol/L is equal to 0.002 mol/mL.