You know how there is muggle and mundane, representing humans who do not know of specific worlds?

Well, I need a word representing humans who don't know about a world called "Enchantrum".
-Make sure the name is magical.
Thank You! :)



Certainly! To come up with a magical term representing humans who are unaware of a world called "Enchantrum," we can combine elements related to enchantment and ignorance. Let's take the word "mundane" as a base, and infuse it with magical essence.

The magical term for humans who do not know about Enchantrum could be "Enchantedlorn." "Enchanted" represents the world of magic and enchantment, while "lorn" conveys a sense of being lost or ignorant. Put together, "Enchantedlorn" captures the concept of humans who are oblivious to the existence of Enchantrum.