What did Joseph branch do in the revolutionary war??

Are you certain you are interested in Joseph, and not John, his dad?

I find nothing at all about a Joseph Branch in the Revolutionary War. He may have been a private soldier, or somebody with that name lived at that time, but whatever he did, he didn't make the history books.

If you are looking for John Branch, try here:


There was a Joseph Warren, and a Joseph Brant who are famous from that era. Do you mean one of them? I'd advise you read your text materials (or re-read them).

To find information about Joseph Branch and his role in the Revolutionary War, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for Joseph Branch's name and the Revolutionary War in a search engine like Google.

2. Look for reputable sources such as historical websites, books, or articles from reputable historians or organizations. It's essential to rely on accurate and well-researched information.

3. Read through the sources to gather details about Joseph Branch's involvement in the Revolutionary War. Pay attention to any specific roles or actions he might have taken during that time.

4. Look for primary sources such as letters, diaries, or official military records, if available. These can provide firsthand accounts or evidence of Joseph Branch's contributions.

5. Consider different perspectives and sources to get a well-rounded understanding of Joseph Branch's role in the Revolutionary War.

Unfortunately, without specific knowledge about Joseph Branch's background, it is challenging to provide a direct answer to what he specifically did during the Revolutionary War. However, by following these steps, you will be able to conduct your research and find accurate information about his involvement.