Essay draft with mind map

Topic:A great surprise

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just to check how to write a mind map and an essay on this topic that am practising with preparing for my exams

A great surprise

mind map the Topic :a great surprise

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A great surprise

To create an essay draft with a mind map for the topic "A great surprise," follow these steps:

1. Generate ideas: Begin by brainstorming various aspects related to the topic. Think about different kinds of surprises, such as birthday surprises, unexpected job promotions, or surprise vacations. Write down all your ideas on a blank sheet of paper.

2. Identify main ideas: Look at the ideas you generated and determine the main points you want to include in your essay. These could be specific surprises or general aspects of a great surprise. Circle or highlight these main ideas.

3. Create a mind map: Now, it's time to transfer your ideas to a mind map. Draw a circle in the center of a new sheet of paper and write the phrase "A great surprise" inside it. From this central idea, draw branches radiating outward for each of the main ideas you identified. Connect the main ideas to the central concept using lines.

4. Add supporting details: From each main idea branch, draw additional branches to include supporting details or sub-points. These could be specific examples, personal experiences, or facts that help expand upon the main ideas. Connect these sub-points to the corresponding main idea branch.

5. Organize your essay: Review your mind map and determine a logical order for presenting your ideas in your essay. Consider how the ideas flow and if any points need to be rearranged. Make note of this order on your mind map by numbering the main ideas or sub-points.

6. Write your essay draft: With your mind map as a visual guide, start writing your essay draft. Begin with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides background information on "A great surprise." Then, use each main idea as a separate paragraph and support it with the corresponding sub-points or details from your mind map. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and providing a satisfying ending.

Remember, a mind map is a flexible tool, so feel free to adjust or add ideas as you go along. It serves as a visual representation of your thoughts and helps organize your writing process.