Create a program that uses the preceding formula and displays the result, but this time, prompt the user for the values a, b, x, and y. Use appropriate variable names and naming conventions.

not enough info, but . . .

formula: result = (a + b)x - y (for example)

prompt["Please enter the value for x:"]

x = (input from user)

prompt["Please enter the value for y:"]

y = (input from user)

prompt["Please enter the value for a:"]

a = (input from user)

prompt["Please enter the value for b:"]

b = (input from user)

calculate[(a + b)x - y]

Display["Result is:", result]

That was the second part this what it say first which got the first part but this is the full saying

Given a = 5, b = 1, x = 10, and y = 5, create a program that outputs the result of the formula f = (a – b)(x – y) using a single printf() function.
2.Create a program that uses the preceding formula and displays the result, but this time, prompt the user for the values a, b, x, and y. Use appropriate variable names and naming conventions.

To create a program that uses the preceding formula and prompts the user for values a, b, x, and y, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by declaring variables to store the values entered by the user. We will use appropriate variable names and naming conventions, such as `a`, `b`, `x`, and `y`:

a = 0
b = 0
x = 0
y = 0

2. Prompt the user to enter the values for `a`, `b`, `x`, and `y` using the `input()` function:

a = float(input("Enter the value of a: "))
b = float(input("Enter the value of b: "))
x = float(input("Enter the value of x: "))
y = float(input("Enter the value of y: "))

3. Calculate the result using the provided formula:

result = (((3 + (4 * a)) / 5) - ((10 * (b - (2**x))) / y)) + 9

4. Finally, display the result to the user:

print("The result is:", result)

Putting it all together, here's the complete program:

a = 0
b = 0
x = 0
y = 0

a = float(input("Enter the value of a: "))
b = float(input("Enter the value of b: "))
x = float(input("Enter the value of x: "))
y = float(input("Enter the value of y: "))

result = (((3 + (4 * a)) / 5) - ((10 * (b - (2**x))) / y)) + 9

print("The result is:", result)

With this program, the user will be prompted to enter the values of `a`, `b`, `x`, and `y`, and the result will be calculated and displayed.