8. We think of the border region between the United States and Mexico as being an Anglo-Hispanic meeting point, but one of the largest groups of _____________ in Mexico can be found just outside the city of Mexicali.

A. Germans
B. Japanese
C. Chinese
D. Indians
E. French



Yes, C.

To confirm the answer, you can research the largest groups of people outside the city of Mexicali, Mexico. Mexicali is located in the state of Baja California, which shares a border with the United States. You can search for reliable sources such as statistical data, articles, or official documentation about the demographics and ethnic groups in that region.

Using search engines or online databases, search for information on the largest ethnic communities outside Mexicali, Mexico. You may find credible sources such as government reports, academic studies, or news articles that discuss the demographics of Mexicali and nearby areas.

By analyzing the information from these sources, you will be able to determine if the largest group of people in that region is indeed Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, or French.