What is the simple interest on Rs.4500 from January 5 to May 31 at 8% per annum?

Galat h

To calculate the simple interest, we need three pieces of information: principal amount (Rs.4500), the rate of interest (8% per annum), and the time period (January 5 to May 31).

To find the time period in terms of years, we can calculate the number of days between January 5 and May 31.

Step-by-step calculation:

1. Calculate the number of days between January 5 and May 31:
- January has 31 days.
- February has 28 days (assuming a non-leap year).
- March has 31 days.
- April has 30 days.
- May has 31 days.

Total days = 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 = 151 days

2. Convert the time period to years:
Since 1 year has 365 days (assuming a non-leap year), we can divide 151 days by 365 days to get the time period in years:

Time period in years = 151/365

3. Calculate the simple interest using the formula:
Simple Interest = (Principal * Rate * Time) / 100

Substituting the given values:
Principal = Rs.4500
Rate = 8%
Time = 151/365

Simple Interest = (4500 * 8 * 151/365) / 100

Now, calculate the simple interest:


Please post the answer,I can,t do.

I will let you count the days --- d

= 4500(.08)(d/365)