A one-page letter to be sent to both the Cuban and the U.S. governments in which you explain why they should encourage American tourism in Cuba. Be sure to explain how both countries can benefit from this cultural exchange and how it will help the Cuban economy (and why that should matter to the United States). Your letter should also include one paragraph using the Panama Canal as an example of how working together can build self-sufficiency.

please help me find some good reasons so I can write this paper

Read lots. This will get you started:


These will help, too:



Certainly! Here are some reasons you can consider including in your letter:

1. Economic Benefits for Cuba: Explain how encouraging American tourism in Cuba can significantly boost the Cuban economy. Tourist dollars can provide a much-needed source of revenue for the country, helping to improve infrastructure, create new job opportunities, and stimulate local businesses. Emphasize how this economic growth can lead to a more stable and prosperous Cuba.

2. Cultural Exchange: Highlight the value of a cultural exchange between the United States and Cuba. American tourists visiting Cuba can immerse themselves in the rich Cuban culture, gaining a deeper understanding of its history, traditions, arts, and people. Likewise, Cubans can learn more about American culture, fostering mutual understanding and breaking down stereotypes. This exchange can also strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries.

3. Educational Opportunities: American tourists visiting Cuba can contribute to educational growth on both sides. Cubans can share their knowledge and expertise in various fields, such as music, visual arts, and dance, while Americans can offer insights and experience in business, technology, and other sectors. Such interactions can facilitate knowledge transfer and promote professional development.

4. Preservation of Heritage: By encouraging American tourism, both countries can collaboratively work towards preserving Cuba's unique cultural heritage. American tourists can appreciate and support preservation efforts for historical sites, architecture, and traditions. This can lead to increased awareness globally and provide necessary funding for the maintenance and restoration of culturally significant landmarks.

5. Panama Canal as an Example: Introduce the Panama Canal as a success story of collaboration between two governments. Explain how the joint efforts of the United States and Panama made the Canal a symbol of international cooperation, leading to improved efficiency in trade, and showcasing the benefits of working together. Highlight that the same spirit of collaboration can be applied to the relationship between the United States and Cuba.

Remember to tailor these reasons to your own writing style and perspective. By illustrating the advantages of American tourism in Cuba, the cultural exchange it brings, and the historical example of the Panama Canal, you can make a compelling case in your letter. Good luck with your paper!