do agree with Richard S. Sloma that the closer accountability approaches the “doer,” the more effective will be the overall performance of the company? Please support your answer.

What is your answer? What is your support?

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide some analysis and reasoning to help you evaluate this statement made by Richard S. Sloma.

According to Sloma, the closer accountability approaches the "doer," the more effective will be the overall performance of the company. This statement suggests that when individuals are held directly accountable for their actions and responsibilities, it leads to more positive outcomes and better performance at the organizational level.

To support or refute this claim, we can consider the following points:

1. Clarity and Focus: Holding individuals accountable for specific tasks ensures that they have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. This clarity can lead to better focus and commitment to achieving their goals, which in turn can contribute to overall company performance.

2. Motivation and Engagement: When individuals are held accountable for their actions, it can create a sense of ownership and motivation to perform well. This can enhance their engagement, productivity, and ultimately contribute to the overall success of the company.

3. Transparency and Communication: Accountability fosters open and honest communication within the organization. When individuals are accountable, it encourages them to communicate transparently about challenges, progress, and results. This transparency can lead to better collaboration, problem-solving, and ultimately improve overall company performance.

However, it's important to note that accountability should be balanced and fair. It should not result in a culture of blame or punishment, but rather be focused on growth, learning, and continuous improvement.

Ultimately, whether or not you agree with Sloma's statement will depend on your perspective and the specific context of the company in question. It could be beneficial to evaluate the practices and systems in place to support accountability and assess their impact on overall performance.