How did the formation of the national action party change Mexican politics?

It ended the one-party system. (MY ANSWER)

It consolidated power among a few key leaders.

It ended the revolution.

It lessened the power of the president.

Among these choices, you picked the only possible correct one! :)

Thank you Mr. Reed an I got an A+ on the essay :).

Hey, congratulations! You're doing very well. Good for you.

To get the answer to this question, we need to understand the context of the National Action Party (PAN) and its impact on Mexican politics.

1. The first step is to research the National Action Party (PAN). The PAN is a political party in Mexico that was founded in 1939. It initially had a conservative ideology and was known as a party of the Catholic Church.

2. Next, we need to look into the political landscape before the formation of the PAN. Mexico had been predominantly under the rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which held power for over 70 years since the Mexican Revolution in 1910. This period was characterized by a one-party system, where the PRI had a stronghold on political power.

3. With this knowledge, we can analyze the impact of the formation of the PAN on Mexican politics. The PAN's emergence provided a viable alternative to the ruling PRI, breaking the monopoly of power held by the PRI and effectively ending the one-party system. This shift led to greater political competition and pluralism in Mexico.

4. As a result, the formation of the PAN brought about a significant change in Mexican politics by promoting a more inclusive political environment. It allowed for the participation of various political parties, representing different ideologies and interests, ultimately leading to a more diverse political landscape.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The formation of the National Action Party (PAN) changed Mexican politics by ending the one-party system and promoting a more pluralistic political environment.