Which of the following options best demostrates language fluency?

A.working many hours of overtime, the staff completed the job on time.
B.working many hours of overtime, the job was completed on time by the staff.
C.on account of working many hours of overtime, the staff completed the job on time.
D. The job was completed on time, the reason being that the staff was working many hours of overtime.
I think A is right.

Yes, A.

Thank you so much

You're welcome!

To determine which option best demonstrates language fluency, we can analyze each sentence and evaluate their clarity, coherence, and syntactical correctness.

Option A: "Working many hours of overtime, the staff completed the job on time."
This sentence effectively demonstrates language fluency. It is clear, coherent, and follows a syntactically correct structure. The phrase "working many hours of overtime" acts as an adverbial phrase modifying the main clause "the staff completed the job on time."

Option B: "Working many hours of overtime, the job was completed on time by the staff."
This sentence appears grammatically correct, but it lacks clarity. It could be interpreted as if the job itself was working over time. It would be clearer if the subject (the staff) were explicitly stated as responsible for completing the job on time.

Option C: "On account of working many hours of overtime, the staff completed the job on time."
This sentence is clear and coherent and demonstrates language fluency. The phrase "on account of working many hours of overtime" effectively modifies the main clause "the staff completed the job on time."

Option D: "The job was completed on time, the reason being that the staff was working many hours of overtime."
This sentence is syntactically correct, but it is less concise and can be rephrased in a more efficient manner. While it does demonstrate language fluency, it may not be the best choice compared to the other options.

Considering these factors, Option A - "Working many hours of overtime, the staff completed the job on time" - is the best demonstration of language fluency among the given options.