Sara earns a 15% commision on furnture she sells. How much commision would she earn if she sells a dining room set for $850.00?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Do i cross multiply?

15/100 * x / 850

Yes, you can do it that way.

You can also multiply 0.15 by 850.

To calculate the commission Sara would earn, you need to multiply the price of the dining room set by the commission rate.

Step 1: Calculate the commission rate.
Sara earns a 15% commission. This means she gets 15% of the total sales amount as her commission.

Step 2: Convert the commission rate to decimal.
To convert the commission rate from a percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100.
15% รท 100 = 0.15

Step 3: Calculate the commission amount.
To find out how much commission Sara would earn, multiply the price of the dining room set by the commission rate.
Commission = Price of dining room set x Commission rate
Commission = $850.00 x 0.15
Commission = $127.50

Therefore, if Sara sells a dining room set for $850.00, she would earn a commission of $127.50.