Eddie sold an antique lamp on Ebay for $75. Eddie had to pay the Ebay a fee if $6.00 on the final sales price. What percent if the sale was the fee to Ebay?

100(6/75) = _______%


6 divided by 75 is not 12.50


Right. Now multiply 0.08 by 100 to find the percentage.

You could also just move the decimal point two places to the right to get the percentage.

Ok so it's 8%

Yay! You've got it!

Thank u

You're welcome.

To determine the percentage of the sale that represents the fee, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of the fee by subtracting it from the final sale price.
$75.00 - $6.00 = $69.00

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of the fee by dividing it by the final sale price and multiplying by 100.
($6.00 / $75.00) * 100 = 0.08 * 100 = 8%

Therefore, the fee charged by eBay represents 8% of the sale.