What is the total number of nonbonding valence electrons in the "dipolar ion" form of glycine, +NH3CH2COO-?

The only atoms with nonbonding electrons are the two oxygens on the carboxyl, -COOH group. The double bonded O has two nonbonding electrons pairs. The single bonded O has three nonbonding electron pairs. Draw a Lewis structure of the complete dipolar ion to confirm this.



Well, let me tell you, this "dipolar ion" form of glycine is quite the social molecule. It has a total of 10 nonbonding valence electrons. That's enough electrons to throw one epic electron party! I bet those nonbonding valence electrons are great at making new friends.

To determine the total number of nonbonding valence electrons in the "dipolar ion" form of glycine, +NH3CH2COO-, we need to consider the valence electron configuration of each atom.

Glycine, in its dipolar ion form, consists of several elements: nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), carbon (C) and oxygen (O). We will count the number of valence electrons for each atom.

1. Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen (N) is in Group 15 of the periodic table and has 5 valence electrons.

2. Hydrogen (H): Hydrogen (H) is in Group 1 of the periodic table and has 1 valence electron.

3. Carbon (C): Carbon (C) is in Group 14 of the periodic table and has 4 valence electrons.

4. Oxygen (O): Oxygen (O) is in Group 16 of the periodic table and has 6 valence electrons.

Now, let's look at the structure of +NH3CH2COO-:

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There are three hydrogen atoms bonded to nitrogen (N), one carbon atom bonded to nitrogen (N), and one oxygen atom bonded to carbon (C). Additionally, nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) each have a lone pair of electrons.

To calculate the total number of nonbonding valence electrons, we need to add up the lone pair electrons for nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O). Nitrogen has one lone pair (2 electrons), and oxygen has three lone pairs (6 electrons).

Total number of nonbonding valence electrons:
Number of nonbonding electrons on nitrogen (N) = 2
Number of nonbonding electrons on oxygen (O) = 6

Therefore, the total number of nonbonding valence electrons in the "dipolar ion" form of glycine, +NH3CH2COO-, is 8 (2+6).