Archie is 12 years older than her brother Channie. Four years from now, Channie will be two-thirds as old as Archie. How old are they now?

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

Let's assume Channie's current age is C years.
According to the given information, Archie is 12 years older than Channie, so Archie's current age is A = C + 12 years.

Four years from now, Channie will be C + 4 years old, and Archie will be A + 4 years old.

The problem states that, in four years, Channie will be two-thirds as old as Archie. Mathematically, this can be represented as:

C + 4 = (2/3) * (A + 4)

Let's substitute the earlier expressions for A and C into the equation:

C + 4 = (2/3) * (C + 12 + 4)

Now, let's simplify the equation:

C + 4 = (2/3) * (C + 16)

Multiply through by 3 to remove the fraction:

3 * (C + 4) = 2 * (C + 16)

Expand the equation:

3C + 12 = 2C + 32

Subtract 2C from both sides:

C + 12 = 32

Subtract 12 from both sides:

C = 32 - 12

C = 20

So Channie's current age is 20 years.

To find Archie's current age, we substitute the value of C back into the expression A = C + 12:

A = 20 + 12

A = 32

Therefore, Archie's current age is 32 years, and Channie's current age is 20 years.

her brother --- x

Archie ------- x+12

four years from now:
brother = x+4
Archie = x+12 + 4 = x+16

x+4 = (2/3)(x+16)

solve for x and sub into original definitions