A pancake recipe calls for 2.5 cups of pancake mix to make 10 servings. Carmen uses 3 cups of mix to make 14 servings. Does Carmen have the correct ratio for the recipe? Explain




To determine if Carmen has the correct ratio for the recipe, we need to compare the amount of pancake mix used per serving in both scenarios.

In the given recipe, 2.5 cups of pancake mix are used to make 10 servings. To find the amount of pancake mix used per serving, we divide the total amount of mix by the number of servings:

2.5 cups / 10 servings = 0.25 cups per serving

For Carmen, she used 3 cups of mix to make 14 servings. To find the amount of pancake mix used per serving, we divide the total amount of mix by the number of servings:

3 cups / 14 servings ≈ 0.214 cups per serving

Comparing these ratios, we see that the ratio of pancake mix used per serving in Carmen's scenario is lower than the ratio in the given recipe. Therefore, Carmen did not use the correct ratio for the recipe. She used a smaller amount of pancake mix per serving compared to what the recipe called for.

To determine if Carmen has the correct ratio for the recipe, we need to compare the amount of pancake mix used and the number of servings made by Carmen with the given recipe.

According to the recipe, 2.5 cups of pancake mix are required to make 10 servings. This gives us a ratio of 2.5 cups of mix to 10 servings.

Now, let's calculate the ratio for Carmen's pancakes. Carmen uses 3 cups of pancake mix to make 14 servings. This gives us a ratio of 3 cups of mix to 14 servings.

To compare the two ratios, we can simplify them by dividing each side by their respective common factors.

For the recipe's ratio:
2.5 cups of mix / 2.5 = 1 cup of mix
10 servings / 2.5 = 4 servings

So the simplified ratio for the recipe is 1 cup of mix to 4 servings.

For Carmen's ratio:
3 cups of mix / 1 = 3 cups of mix
14 servings / 2 = 7 servings

So the simplified ratio for Carmen's pancakes is 3 cups of mix to 7 servings.

Comparing the simplified ratios, we can see that the recipe's ratio is 1 cup of mix to 4 servings, whereas Carmen's ratio is 3 cups of mix to 7 servings.

Therefore, Carmen does not have the correct ratio for the recipe since the ratios are not the same.