If h is hours and n is the number of radios remaining, complete the equation:

n= ____ x h = ____

N= -1 x h + 24

Why is the sign of number that is multiple by hours h negative

It is multiplied by -1 because the numbers are going into a downward slope, therefore the number being -1 being multiplied by.

Where did you get the -1 from? Please someone explain this to me and the rest!!

To complete the equation n = ____ x h = ____, we need to determine the relationship between the number of radios remaining (n) and the number of hours (h).

Without additional information, we cannot provide the exact equation. However, you can set up a custom equation based on the given variables. Here's a general example:

Let's say n represents the number of radios remaining after h hours, and k represents a constant value. We can set up the following equation:

n = k x h

In this equation, k would be a constant that depends on the specific scenario or problem you're dealing with. To find the exact equation, you would need additional information or context.

Help me

I want to know why is multiply by -1?

you all not smart

Because it's multiplied by a negative number.