TCO 1) Employers provide tools and technology for their employees in order to:

a. increase the cost of production and profitability.
b. improve their efficiency and productivity.
c. to reduce corruption in business and eliminate scandals.
d. encourage the private ownership of businesses.

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The correct answer is:

b. improve their efficiency and productivity.

Employers provide tools and technology to their employees in order to improve their efficiency and productivity. By providing necessary tools and technology, employees can perform their tasks more effectively and complete them in less time, leading to increased productivity for the business. Additionally, improved efficiency can also contribute to cost savings and potentially increase profitability.

The correct answer is b. improve their efficiency and productivity.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options a, c, and d based on their lack of relevance to the question.

Option a suggests that providing tools and technology to employees will increase the cost of production and profitability. However, in most cases, employers provide tools and technology to improve efficiency and productivity, which ultimately helps to reduce costs and increase profitability.

Option c suggests that providing tools and technology helps to reduce corruption in business and eliminate scandals. While having proper tools and technology can contribute to a well-managed business environment, it alone cannot eliminate corruption or scandals. Various other factors contribute to addressing these issues.

Option d suggests that providing tools and technology encourages private ownership of businesses. While it is true that businesses often provide tools and technology to their employees, this does not necessarily relate to encouraging private ownership of businesses. Tools and technology are typically provided to improve productivity and efficiency, regardless of the ownership structure of the business.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer is b. improve their efficiency and productivity, as providing tools and technology to employees generally helps them to perform their tasks more efficiently, leading to increased productivity.