I put a star* by my answer.

1. The early 20th century Progressive Era was a response to many of the problems and issues which arose during the Gilded Age in America.
True or False*?

2. Socially conscious journalists who dramatized the need for reform were known as?
Social Gospelists

3. Bitter political differences between Theodore Roosevelt and William H. Taft led to?
Roosevelt winning a third term as president
A split in the Republican Party and the creation of the Bull Moose Party**
The Spanish-American War
The assassination of Woodrow Wilson

4. In 1889, Jane Addams opened Hull House, which was?
A soup kitchen in New York City
A settlement house in Chicago**
An orphanage in Philadelphia

6. The belief that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the fittest survive is known as laissez-faire economics?
True or false**?

7. Which of the following was not a goal of Roosevelt's Square Deal?
Prevent the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners.*
Creation of a social security system.
Ensure that goods produced by American businesses were safe for consumers.
Conservation and preservation of the environment in America.

8. Sensational headlines and pictures were characteristic of the?
Newspapers owned by Matthew Perry
Yellow Press**
Newspapers owned by Gifford Pinchot

9. Which of the following best describes Imperialism?
an economic theory saying that a nation's power is based on the nation's wealth*
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
a hope that equality will spread throughout the world

10. One reason powerful nations rushed to grab colonies in the 1800s was the desire
for raw materials and natural resources located abroad.
to learn about manufacturing practices in weaker nations.
to import educated workers from poorer nations.**

11. Which territories did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish-American War?
Puerto Rico*
All of the above

12. The Open Door policy was an assertion of America’s?
interest in trade with Japan
desire that all western powers leave China
interest in trade with Europe
desire for free trade access in China**

14. Which of the following factors did not contribute to the outbreak of World War I?
Entangling alliances**

16. Machine guns, poison gas, U-boats, tanks and military aircraft all emerged during WWI.
True** or False?

17. Wilson's Fourteen Points were based on this term, which means the right of the people to choose their own government.

League of Nations

18. President Woodrow Wilson believed that if the victorious nations forced peace terms on the defeated nations after World War I, what would be the result?

the victorious nations would gain valuable new territory.
there would be no permanent peace.
the defeated nations would lose territories they deserved to lose.
a permanent peace would be obtained.*

19. The final achievement of the Fourteen Points was the creation of the United Nations.
True* or False?

20. What does the graph suggest about the effectiveness of the naval blockade that Great Britain set up to keep essential goods from reaching Germany during World War I?

The blockage was highly successful in preventing goods from reaching Germany.

That the United States continued to trade with Germany even after the beginning of WWI.*

The blockade did not have any measurable effect on shipping.

its nov 26 2018 the answers rn are

In case they decide to switch it up just search

1 - no

2 - 6 -yes
7 - no
8 - yes
9, 10, 11 - no
12 - yes
14 - no
16, 17, 18 - yes
19 - no
20 - I can't see the graph, but your answer is correct

1. D

2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. D

"anon" is right "answers" is wrong, i failed :(

1. False* (Well, the Progressive Era was a response to the problems of the Gilded Age, but you don't need the star for this one!)

2. Muckrakers**
3. A split in the Republican Party and the creation of the Bull Moose Party**
4. A settlement house in Chicago**
6. False** (Life is not just a competitive struggle, it can also be a struggle to find the remote control!)
7. Prevent the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners.*
8. Yellow Press**
9. A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
10. For raw materials and natural resources located abroad.*
11. All of the above
12. Desire for free trade access in China**
14. Entangling alliances**
16. True** (WWI was a significant period of technological advancement, especially in weaponry. Unfortunately, the clown car was not one of them.)
17. Self-determination**
18. A permanent peace would be obtained.*
19. False* (The United Nations was actually created after World War II in 1945. So close, yet so far!)
20. That the United States continued to trade with Germany even after the beginning of WWI.* (Guess someone really wanted their German chocolate!)

To answer the questions:

1. The statement is true.
To arrive at this answer, you would need to have knowledge about the Progressive Era and the issues during the Gilded Age in America.

2. The correct answer is Muckrakers.
To find this answer, you could use your knowledge or conduct further research on the key figures during the Progressive Era who were known for revealing corruption and advocating for change.

3. The correct answer is A split in the Republican Party and the creation of the Bull Moose Party.
To find this answer, you would need to know about the political differences between Theodore Roosevelt and William H. Taft during the 1912 presidential election.

4. The correct answer is A settlement house in Chicago.
To find this answer, you could research Jane Addams and her work during the late 19th century.

6. The statement is false.
To determine this, you would need to understand the concept of laissez-faire economics and its belief in minimal government intervention.

7. The correct answer is Creation of a social security system.
To find this answer, you could evaluate the goals and policies of Roosevelt's Square Deal and determine which of the options is not part of it.

8. The correct answer is Yellow Press.
To arrive at this answer, you would need to be familiar with the term "Yellow Press" and its association with sensationalized journalism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

9. The correct answer is A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
To find this answer, you could research the definition of imperialism and its historical context.

10. The correct answer is To import educated workers from poorer nations.
To find this answer, you would need to understand the motives behind colonial expansion and the desire for resources and labor.

11. The correct answer is All of the above.
To find this answer, you would need knowledge about the outcomes of the Spanish-American War and the territories gained by the United States.

12. The correct answer is Desire for free trade access in China.
To find this answer, you could research the Open Door policy and its purpose in relation to international trade and China.

14. The correct answer is Entangling alliances.
To determine this, you could analyze the causes of World War I and evaluate how each factor contributed to its outbreak.

16. The statement is true.
To determine this, you would need knowledge about the weapons and technologies that emerged during World War I.

17. The correct answer is Self-determination.
To find this answer, you could research Wilson's Fourteen Points and understand the underlying principles of the concept.

18. The correct answer is A permanent peace would be obtained.
To find this answer, you could evaluate Woodrow Wilson's beliefs and intentions regarding the peace terms after World War I.

19. The statement is false.
To determine this, you would need knowledge about the creation of the United Nations and its relationship to Wilson's Fourteen Points.

20. The correct answer is The United States continued to trade with Germany even after the beginning of WWI.
To find this answer, you could analyze the information presented in the graph and understand the impact of the naval blockade on trade during World War I.