Create a visually appealing image composed of various elements symbolizing the Spanish language and the sport of tennis. Include hint of the multiple choice format by designing different corners of the image with distinct elements representing the each options without including any text. For option 'a', subtly incorporate symbols of volleyball, for 'b' incorporate two tennis rackets to hint at 'you (plural) play tennis', for 'c' infuse elements of baseball and for 'd', picture four people playing tennis to symbolize 'we play tennis'.

How do you say, "We play tennis" in Spanish?

a. Juego al voleibol.
b. Jugais al tenis.
c. Juego al beisbol.***
d. Jugamos al tenis.

yup im also desperate here, taking the Spanish semester exam, if anyone got the

wow no 2021 kids here

No. Please remember that in both English and Spanish, the verb must agree with the subject.

Si. D.

No im here desperately

sorry I meant to say d

taking semester exam rn in 2022 and i wanna kms instead of taking ts

ikr i need help w the essays

The correct answer is d. Jugamos al tenis.

To determine the correct answer, you can break down the question and analyze the options:

The question asks how to say "We play tennis" in Spanish.

a. Juego al voleibol. - This option translates to "I play volleyball", not "We play tennis". It's not the correct answer.

b. Jugais al tenis. - This option translates to "You (informal plural) play tennis", not "We play tennis". It's not the correct answer.

c. Juego al beisbol. - This option translates to "I play baseball", not "We play tennis". It's not the correct answer.

d. Jugamos al tenis. - This option translates to "We play tennis". It matches the desired translation and is the correct answer.

So, by comparing the options and their translations, you can determine that option d. Jugamos al tenis is the correct translation for "We play tennis" in Spanish.