What percentage compound interest rate (to 20) will table of an investment of over a period of 5 years? (show working please)

huh? "Table" and investment?

Maybe you mean triple?

if so
3 = (x)^5
log 3 = 5 log x
log x = .095424
x = 1.2457
24.6 %

To calculate the percentage compound interest rate, we need the initial investment amount, the final investment amount, and the number of years. In this case, you have not provided the initial and final investment amounts. Hence, I will explain the general steps involved in calculating the compound interest rate.

1. Determine the initial investment amount (P) and the final investment amount (A).
2. Determine the number of years (n) over which the investment period occurs.
3. Use the formula for compound interest: A = P(1 + r/n)^(n*t), where r is the interest rate, and t is the number of years.
4. Rearrange the formula to solve for r: r = (A/P)^(1/(n*t)) - 1.
5. Multiply the result from step 4 by 100 to get the interest rate as a percentage.

Once you have the initial investment amount and the final investment amount, you can plug in the values to calculate the compound interest rate using the formula outlined above.