Would someone be kind enough to check the following paragraph for me, I need to complete it by adding the appropriate words from the following list,

Cell walls, mitochondria, nucleus, DNA, eukaryotes, protoctists, endosymbiosis, organelle, membranes, diversity, bacteria, chloroplasts, cytosol.

The words in brackets are the ones I believe to be correct, but would like a second opinion.

Lynn Margulis first proposed that (chloroplasts) evolved by a process of (endosymbiosis) in which (bacteria) developed into (eukaryotes) and (protocists) and eventually lost their independence. Evidence for this is that both types of (organelle) have (nucleus), they also have similar ribsomes and are bounded by (membranes). Also the respiration and photosynthetic abilities of mitochondria and chloroplasts already existed in certain free – living bacteria.

1st go to the following site and then see if my changes make more sense:


Lynn Margulis first proposed that (chloroplasts) evolved by a process of (endosymbiosis) in which (bacteria) developed into (mitochondria) and (chloroplasts) and eventually lost their independence. Evidence for this is that both types of (organelle) have (DNA), they also have similar ribsomes and are bounded by (membranes). Also the respiration and photosynthetic abilities of mitochondria and chloroplasts already existed in certain free – living bacteria.

Lynn Margulis first proposed that (chloroplasts) evolved by a process of (endosymbiosis) in which (bacteria) developed into (mitochondria) and (chloroplasts) and eventually lost their independence. Evidence for this is that both types of (organelle) have (DNA), they also have similar ribsomes and are bounded by (membranes). Also the respiration and photosynthetic abilities of mitochondria and chloroplasts already existed in certain free – living bacteria.

To check the paragraph, you can first go to the provided website (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endosymbiotic_theory) to learn more about the endosymbiotic theory proposed by Lynn Margulis. This will give you a better understanding of the topic.

After reading the information, compare the original paragraph to the information on the website. It seems that your changes make more sense in terms of the actual facts. The word "protoctists" should be replaced with "mitochondria" since mitochondria are derived from bacteria. Additionally, the word "nucleus" should be included as both types of organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts) have their own DNA, and the word "cytosol" is not mentioned in either the original paragraph or the provided list.

Overall, your revisions seem to align with the information found on the Wikipedia page and make the paragraph more accurate and coherent.