How do I write sin(arcsinx + arccosx) as an algebraic expression?

arcsinx is an angle Ø so that sinØ = x/1 = x

arccosx is an angle Ø so that cosØ = x/1
thus sinØ = cosØ
and Ø = 45°

sin(arcsinx + arccosx)
= sin(45° + 45°)
= sin 90°
= 1

sinAcosB + cosAsinB

= x*x + √(1-x^2)√(1-x^2)
= x^2 + 1-x^2
= 1

of course- since if you draw the triangle, you are taking the sine of two angles which add to 90°

sin(arcsin(x)) = x

cos(arcsin(x)) = √(1-x^2)

so, if
A = arcsinx
B = arccosx

ain(A+B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB
= x√(1-x^2) + √(1-x^2)*x
= 2x√(1-x^2)

confirmation by Wolfram:

But doesn't sinØ also equal cosØ at 225 degrees?

yeah - so?

the expression still evaluates to 1.

To write sin(arcsin(x) + arccos(x)) as an algebraic expression, we can use the trigonometric identities. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Use the property of the inverse trigonometric functions: arcsin(sin(x)) = x and arccos(cos(x)) = x, for the given domain.
Therefore, we have:
arcsin(x) + arccos(x) = x + x = 2x

2. Apply the sum-to-product identity for sine: sin(A + B) = sin(A)cos(B) + cos(A)sin(B)
In this case, A = B = x, so we can rewrite the expression as:
sin(arcsin(x) + arccos(x)) = sin(2x)

So, the final algebraic expression is sin(2x).