The boy got bed Byron was up in his top bunk and Kenny was down in the bottom Kenny was so exited that he was talking a mile a minute although he realized that he was probably just talking to himself. Byron was still upset about the trip so he refused to answer. There was a knock at the bedroom door.

From which point of view are this sentence Written?

First person-Byron point of view
First person- Mr Watsons point of view ••
Third person limited
Third person omniscient

Correct me if I'm wrong!

I dont understand this...

Based on the given passage, it can be determined that the sentences are written from a first-person point of view specifically from Mr. Watson's (the narrator's) point of view. The usage of "he realized" and "he refused" indicates that the character is talking about himself. Therefore, the correct option would be "First person- Mr. Watson's point of view."