A 6-pack of undershirts costs $13.98. This is $3.96 less than the cost of buying 6 individual shirts. If each undershirt costs the same amount, how much does each undershirt cost when purchased individually?


Cost = (13.98+3.96)/6 =

To solve this problem, we need to find the cost of buying one individual undershirt. We know that a 6-pack of undershirts costs $13.98, which is $3.96 less than the cost of buying 6 individual shirts.

First, let's calculate the cost of buying 6 individual shirts. We will call this cost "C".

C = cost of 6 individual shirts

Since the 6-pack is $3.96 less, we can write this as:

C = $13.98 + $3.96

Simplifying this expression, we have:

C = $17.94

So, the cost of buying 6 individual shirts is $17.94.

Now, let's find the cost of one individual shirt. We will call this cost "x".

x = cost of one individual shirt

Since we know that the cost of 6 individual shirts is $17.94, we can divide this amount by 6 to find the cost of one individual shirt:

x = $17.94 / 6

Simplifying this expression, we have:

x = $2.99

Therefore, each undershirt costs $2.99 when purchased individually.