What do these line most likely reveal about Byron?

Aww, man, this it too,too hip! No one's got one of these. Speedy don't even have one in his Cadillac. Too much man way too much!

A. He is jealous of other.

B. He is disappointed in his father's purchase.

C. He likes to be the best center of attention••

D. He likes to feel wealthier than others.

Correct me if I'm wrong

I think it is D

Never main I think it's D!

Yes, it's D.

Okay thanks

some how it is d

Based on the lines provided, it is most likely that Option C is the correct answer: "He likes to be the best center of attention." The lines indicate that the speaker is excited about something they have that no one else has, which suggests a desire to stand out and be the center of attention.