1. What two aspects of data determine which measure of central tendency to use?

2. Why is it best to use the mean with a normal distribution ?

If the data is skewed to either the left or the right then you would use the median because the median is not influenced by single large or small inputs.

If the data is normal, you will use the mean to find the middle of the data.

1. The two aspects of data that determine which measure of central tendency to use are the level of measurement and the presence of outliers.

- Level of measurement: The level of measurement refers to the nature or type of data being analyzed. There are four levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Each level has its own central tendency measure that is appropriate to use.
- Nominal data: For nominal data, which consists of categories without any inherent order or numerical value, the mode is often used as the measure of central tendency. The mode represents the category with the highest frequency.
- Ordinal data: For ordinal data, which has categories with some order or ranking but no fixed numerical difference between them, the median is often used as the central tendency measure. The median represents the middle value when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order.
- Interval and ratio data: For interval and ratio data, which have numerical values with fixed intervals or ratios, the mean is often preferred as the measure of central tendency. The mean is the sum of all values divided by the total number of values.

- Outliers: An outlier is a data point that significantly deviates from the rest of the data. Outliers can affect the choice of central tendency measure. If there are outliers in the data, it may be more appropriate to use the median or mode instead of the mean, as the mean is more sensitive to extreme values.

2. It is best to use the mean with a normal distribution because the mean is a good representation of the central tendency of the data when it follows a symmetrical and bell-shaped curve. In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode are all equal and located at the center of the distribution. However, the mean has some advantages over the other measures.

- Efficiency: The mean is efficient for calculating statistical properties because it incorporates all the data points. It takes into account the magnitude and direction of deviations from the mean, and it is used in many statistical tests and calculations.
- Sensitivity: The mean is sensitive to changes in values, making it suitable for detecting even small shifts in the data. It can reflect subtle changes in the distribution and provide precise information about the center of the distribution.
- Balance: With a normal distribution, the mean provides a balanced representation of the data, as it balances out the effects of positive and negative deviations from the mean.

However, it is important to note that the mean can be influenced by outliers, skewness, or other violations of normality. Therefore, it is always recommended to complement the mean with other measures such as the median and mode to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data.

1. The two aspects of data that determine which measure of central tendency to use are the level of measurement and the presence of outliers.

- Level of measurement: The level of measurement refers to the scale or type of data being used. There are four levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. The choice of measure of central tendency depends on the level of measurement. For nominal and ordinal data, the mode is typically used as the measure of central tendency. For interval and ratio data, the mean, median, and mode can be used.

- Presence of outliers: An outlier is an extreme value that significantly differs from other values in a dataset. If there are outliers present in the data, it can greatly affect the measure of central tendency. The mean is highly sensitive to outliers as it takes into account all the data points. In such cases, the median or mode may be more appropriate measures of central tendency as they are less influenced by outliers.

2. It is best to use the mean with a normal distribution because the mean is a measure of central tendency that takes into account all the data points. With a normal distribution, the data is symmetrically distributed around the mean, and the mean represents the average value of the dataset. The mean is also the most commonly used measure of central tendency and is often used in statistical calculations and hypothesis testing. Additionally, many statistical models and theories are based on the assumption of a normal distribution, making the mean a relevant measure to use in such cases.