How do you say "these are enough" in French? Is "ce sont assez" applicable?

No it's "ceux-ci sont suffisamment" Also I have a question have you read the novel "The Wetsons go to Birmingham-1963"?

ceux-ci sont suffisamment it would be applicable but putting it the way it is supposed to be is better not to be rude but just saying

To say "these are enough" in French, you can use the phrase "ceux-ci sont suffisants." The phrase "ce sont assez" is not directly applicable for expressing "these are enough."

Here's how you can break it down:

1. "These": In French, you can use the demonstrative pronoun "ceux-ci" to mean "these." It specifically refers to objects that are closer to the speaker.

2. "Are": The verb "are" in English corresponds to the verb "sont" in French.

3. "Enough": The word "enough" in French translates to "suffisants" when referring to plural objects.

Therefore, the complete translation for "these are enough" in French is "ceux-ci sont suffisants."

Remember, it's important to consider context and the gender agreement (ceux-ci for masculine plural, celles-ci for feminine plural) when using demonstrative pronouns in French.