Which of the following is a benefit that education simulations do Not provide?

A(they use real object that can be physically touched

B( They allow you to manipulate the object by turning them virtually

C( they use 3-D movement and objects

D( they can show shapes used in different positions

I'll be glad to check your answer.

what is your answer?

Them Answer is a M8.

The answer is A.

To determine which of the options is a benefit that education simulations do not provide, we will need to analyze each option.

A. "They use real objects that can be physically touched." This option describes a benefit of education simulations, as they can provide a more interactive and immersive learning experience by allowing users to physically interact with virtual objects.

B. "They allow you to manipulate the objects by turning them virtually." This option also describes a benefit of education simulations. Simulations often provide interactive controls that allow users to manipulate and interact with virtual objects in various ways.

C. "They use 3-D movement and objects." This option also describes a benefit of education simulations. 3D movement and objects can help create a more engaging and realistic learning environment.

D. "They can show shapes used in different positions." This option might not necessarily be considered a unique benefit of education simulations since simulations do have the capability to display shapes in different positions.

Based on the analysis, option D seems to be the correct answer, as it does not provide a benefit that is unique to education simulations.

No not you u always get the answer wrong