A taxi charges $2.25 for a ride, plus $0.25 for every 1/4 mile. Which inequality represents how many miles, x, a person could travel with $8.00?

$2.25 + $0.25x ≥ $8.00

$2.25 + $0.25x ≤ $8.00

$2.25 + $1.00x ≥ $8.00

$2.25 + $1.00x ≤ $8.00

Why did you choose that answer?

0.25 is for 1/4 of a mile. Multiply it by 4. So $1 for each mile, as x is the number of miles

To solve this problem, we need to determine the inequality that represents the number of miles a person could travel with $8.00.

Let's break down the given information: A taxi charges $2.25 for a ride, plus $0.25 for every 1/4 mile. In equation form, this can be represented as: $2.25 + $0.25x, where x represents the number of 1/4 miles traveled.

To determine the maximum number of miles a person could travel with $8.00, we need to determine the maximum value of x in the equation $2.25 + $0.25x that satisfies the $8.00 budget.

We can start by subtracting $2.25 from both sides of the equation to isolate $0.25x:

$0.25x ≥ $8.00 - $2.25


$0.25x ≥ $5.75

To get rid of the decimal, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 4:

4 * $0.25x ≥ 4 * $5.75

Simplifying further:

$x ≥ $23.00

Now, the inequality representing the number of miles a person could travel with $8.00 is:

$x ≥ $23.00

In answer choice format, this corresponds to:
A) $2.25 + $0.25x ≥ $8.00

Why would you use 1.0x?

Could the person travel farther than the $8.00 would allow?

Now, what do you think the answer is?