Nicole earned $75. She put 1/3 of her money into her savings account. She bought a shirt for $17.11 and a sweater for $26.74. How much money does Nicole have left?





how do i explain that the answer is a

You would explain how you got the answer

show your calculations

i need help on that i don't know if its right

how much is 1/3


To determine the amount of money Nicole has left, we need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the amount Nicole put into her savings account:
- Nicole earned $75, and she put 1/3 (or 1 ÷ 3 = 0.33) of her money into her savings account.
- To find the amount, we multiply $75 by 0.33: $75 * 0.33 = $24.75.

2. Calculate the total amount spent on the shirt and sweater:
- The shirt cost $17.11, and the sweater cost $26.74.
- To find the total amount spent, we add the costs together: $17.11 + $26.74 = $43.85.

3. Calculate the remaining money that Nicole has:
- To find the money left, we subtract the amount spent and the amount put into savings from the initial amount earned.
- Subtract the total amount spent ($43.85) and the amount put into savings ($24.75) from the starting amount earned ($75):
$75 - $43.85 - $24.75 = $6.40.

From these calculations, we can conclude that Nicole has $6.40 left. Rounded to the nearest cent, that's $6.15. Therefore, the answer is A, $6.15.