The number of households with VCRs in 1990 was about 87.5% of the number with VCRs in 1993. About how many households had VCRs in 1993?

By the way this is 7th grade math

How many households had VCRs in 1990?

To find the number of households with VCRs in 1993, we'll start by finding the number of households with VCRs in 1990.

Let's assume the number of households with VCRs in 1993 is represented by "X".

According to the information given, the number of households with VCRs in 1990 is about 87.5% of the number in 1993.

We can set up the equation as follows:

87.5% of X = number of households with VCRs in 1990

To find the value of 87.5% of X, we can multiply X by 0.875 (which is the decimal representation of 87.5%).

So, 0.875 * X = number of households with VCRs in 1990

Now, we can plug in the known value for the number of households with VCRs in 1990 (which is 87.5% of the number in 1993) and solve for X.

Let's do the calculations:

0.875 * X = 87.5% of the number in 1993

Simplifying the equation:

0.875 * X = 0.875 * 100% of the number in 1993 (We converted 87.5% to its decimal representation of 0.875)

0.875 * X = 0.875 * X

This equation shows that the number of households with VCRs in 1993 is equal to the number of households with VCRs in 1990.

Therefore, the answer is that the number of households with VCRs in 1993 is the same as the number of households with VCRs in 1990, which is about 87.5% of X.