Your new cell phone plan charges $50 per month for 400 minutes of talk time. The plan charges $0.10 for each additional minute you talk. You use 50 additional minutes this month. What is your bill for the month?

50.00 + .10*50

To calculate your bill for the month, you need to consider the base charge of $50 for 400 minutes and the additional charge of $0.10 per minute for the extra 50 minutes.

Step 1: Calculate the charges for the base plan.
The base charge is $50.

Step 2: Calculate the charges for the additional minutes.
The cost for each additional minute is $0.10, and you used 50 additional minutes.
Calculating the additional charges: $0.10 * 50 = $5.

Step 3: Calculate the total bill.
Adding the base charge and the additional charges together: $50 + $5 = $55.

Therefore, your bill for the month would be $55.

To find your bill for the month, we need to calculate the cost of the additional minutes you used.

First, calculate the total number of minutes used: 400 minutes + 50 additional minutes = 450 minutes.

Next, subtract the included minutes from the total minutes to find the number of additional minutes: 450 minutes - 400 minutes = 50 additional minutes.

To find the cost of the additional minutes, multiply the number of additional minutes by the per-minute rate: 50 additional minutes * $0.10/minute = $5.00.

Finally, add the cost of the additional minutes to the monthly plan fee to find the total bill: $5.00 additional minutes + $50 monthly plan fee = $55.00.

Therefore, your bill for the month will be $55.00.

Your new cell phone plan charges $50 per month for 400 minutes of talk time. The plan charges $0.10 for each additional minute you talk. You use 50 additional minutes this month. What is your bill for the month?