If you could see an everyday object improved by adding something mechanical what would it be? Cause be something that has to do with transportation, help disabled people, etc.

For example, creating a wheel chair that is rough terrain and water accessible

One thing that would make life a little easier is a car seat (passenger side or rear seat) that swivels out, over the threshold/door frame to make it easier to sit upon.

How about a front seat in a car that swivels so that older or disabled people could get out more easily?

Wow! GMTA!!

Well, we sometimes do. Something rubbed off, huh?

One everyday object that could benefit from mechanical improvements is a backpack. By adding a mechanical assistance system to a backpack, it could provide enhanced functionality and convenience for various situations. Here's how you could approach designing and creating such a backpack:

1. Identify the problem: Consider the limitations of traditional backpacks. They are generally designed for carrying items conveniently, but they lack features that can aid individuals with special needs or provide additional assistance.

2. Define the purpose: Decide on the specific purpose of the mechanically improved backpack. Since you mentioned transportation and helping disabled individuals, let's focus on creating a backpack that can provide assistance for people with mobility difficulties, such as those who have difficulty walking for long distances.

3. Research existing solutions: Explore available technologies or products that address similar challenges. Look for motorized or mechanical systems that can be integrated into a backpack design. This research will help you gain insights into what is already available and identify any potential areas for improvement.

4. Concept development: Brainstorm and sketch out various design ideas for the backpack. Consider factors such as ease of use, portability, weight distribution, and the specific needs of the target users. Think about how the backpack can assist in different scenarios, such as rough terrains or stairs.

5. Seek technical expertise: Consult with engineers or experts in mechanical design and assistive technologies. They can help you refine your ideas and provide guidance on the feasibility of certain mechanisms. Collaborating with professionals in relevant fields will ensure that your design concept can be transformed into a functional prototype.

6. Prototype and test: Build a prototype of the mechanically improved backpack using the chosen mechanical systems and technologies. Test its functionality, usability, and durability. Incorporate feedback from users and experts to refine the design further.

7. Iterate and improve: Based on user feedback and testing results, make necessary modifications and improvements to the backpack design. Continue the iterative process until you achieve a highly functional and reliable product.

8. Production and distribution: Once you have a finalized design, consider the manufacturing process and logistics for mass production. Explore partnerships with organizations or manufacturers specializing in assistive technologies to ensure wider availability and distribution of the improved backpack.

Remember, creating a mechanically improved backpack for specific purposes requires careful consideration, research, and collaboration with experts in relevant fields. By following this step-by-step approach, you can design and build a backpack that provides enhanced transportation assistance for disabled individuals.