Observe the table of values. The values in Column C are determined by the values in Columns A and B. Determine the missing value in Column C.

-3 1 8
7 5 24
19 9 280
41 21 1240
0.75 0.2 ?

Ok, I keep observing the values in the columns and nothing is happening.

(Gee, I hate these guessing games, not my strength)

To determine the missing value in Column C, we can look for a pattern or relationship between the values in Columns A, B, and C.

Looking at the numbers in Column A, we can observe that they are increasing by multiples of 10 (-3, 7, 19, 41). Similarly, the numbers in Column B are increasing by multiples of 4 (1, 5, 9, 21).

Now let's look at the numbers in Column C. If we divide each number in Column C by the corresponding number in Column B, we can see that the results are multiples of the corresponding number in Column A:

8 / 1 = 8 = (1 * 8)
24 / 5 = 4.8 = (7 * 0.2)
280 / 9 = 31.11 ≈ (19 * 1.64)
1240 / 21 = 59.05 ≈ (41 * 1.44)

So, it seems that the pattern between the values in Columns A, B, and C is that the number in Column C is obtained by multiplying the corresponding numbers in Columns A and B.

Now we can use this pattern to determine the missing value in Column C by multiplying the corresponding numbers in Columns A and B:

0.75 * 0.2 = 0.15

Therefore, the missing value in Column C is 0.15.