Estimate a 15% tip on a taxi ride that costs $23.25.

I got 3.50 as the estimate correct me if I'm wrong

The answers are

100 % right

.1 * 23 = 2.3

half of that = 1.2

sum = 3.5 so I agree

i think that is a song because i think i heard it before.

@Starless Night thats deep lol O.O

@Celestail Cat thats not deep, its edgy. (and thats not a good thing)

To estimate a 15% tip on a taxi ride that costs $23.25, follow these steps:

1. Convert 15% to decimal form by dividing it by 100: 15/100 = 0.15.
2. Multiply the taxi fare by the decimal value from step 1: $23.25 x 0.15 = $3.4875.
3. Round the result to the nearest cent: $3.49 (since the next digit is 7).
4. Optionally, you can round up to $3.50 if you prefer to have a nice, even tip amount.

So, your estimated tip would be $3.49, but if you prefer an even amount, you can round it up to $3.50. Therefore, you are correct that $3.50 is the estimate.