sample of alumium has a mass 6.3g.calculate the number of mole of alumium present and the number of atom of alumium in the sample(AL=27


atoms=moles*avagradros number

A sample of aluminium has mass of 6.3calculate the number of mole of aluminium present and number of atomic of aluminium in the sample (al=27)

Whot is moles of aluminium


To calculate the number of moles of aluminum present in the sample, you can use the formula:

Number of moles = Mass / Molecular weight

The molecular weight of aluminum (AL) is 27 g/mol, as given in the question.

Number of moles of aluminum = 6.3 g / 27 g/mol

Simplifying the calculation:

Number of moles of aluminum = 0.233 moles

So, there are 0.233 moles of aluminum present in the sample.

To calculate the number of atoms of aluminum in the sample, you need to use Avogadro's number, which states that 1 mole of any substance contains approximately 6.022 x 10^23 entities (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.).

You can use this information to calculate the number of atoms of aluminum:

Number of atoms = Number of moles × Avogadro's number

Number of atoms of aluminum = 0.233 moles × (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol)


Number of atoms of aluminum = 1.404 x 10^23 atoms

So, there are approximately 1.404 x 10^23 atoms of aluminum in the sample.