Which human activity would best support global efforts to improve the environment and to reduce global warming?

a. driving a pickup truck across the countryside
b. riding a bicycle to a nearby playground***
c. purchasing a SUV from a nearby dealership
d. driving a vehicle that recently failed the state emissions test

You are correct.

The human activity that would best support global efforts to improve the environment and reduce global warming is option b: riding a bicycle to a nearby playground. Riding a bicycle instead of driving a vehicle significantly reduces carbon emissions and promotes physical activity, which in turn contributes to a healthier environment and mitigates climate change.

The correct answer to support global efforts to improve the environment and reduce global warming would be option b. riding a bicycle to a nearby playground.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the impact of each activity on the environment and global warming.

a. Driving a pickup truck across the countryside: This activity involves using a vehicle that typically has higher fuel consumption and emits more greenhouse gases compared to smaller vehicles. As a result, it contributes to increased air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, adversely affecting the environment and contributing to global warming.

b. Riding a bicycle to a nearby playground: This activity is environmentally friendly and does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions. Bicycles are powered by human effort and do not rely on fossil fuels, making them a sustainable transportation option. Choosing to ride a bicycle instead of using a motorized vehicle can help reduce air pollution and combat global warming.

c. Purchasing an SUV from a nearby dealership: This activity involves buying a larger vehicle with higher fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. SUVs generally have poorer fuel efficiency compared to smaller cars, which leads to higher carbon dioxide emissions. Choosing an SUV would not be the most environmentally friendly option.

d. Driving a vehicle that recently failed the state emissions test: If a vehicle fails an emissions test, it means that it is not operating efficiently and may be emitting higher levels of pollutants. Continuing to drive a vehicle that failed emissions test can have a detrimental impact on the environment and contribute to air pollution and global warming.

Therefore, option b. riding a bicycle to a nearby playground is the best choice to support global efforts to improve the environment and reduce global warming.