Standing 8 feet from a puddle of water on the ground Gretchen whose eye height is 5 feet 2 inches, can see the reflection of the top of a flagpole. The puddle is 20 feet from the flagople. How tall is the flagpole

Ok I got 12 feet 11 in

To determine the height of the flagpole, we can use similar triangles and apply the concept of proportions. Let's break down the information given:

1. Gretchen's eye height is 5 feet 2 inches, which can be converted to a decimal form: 5 + 2/12 = 5.167 feet.

2. Gretchen is standing 8 feet from the puddle of water on the ground.

3. The puddle of water is 20 feet from the flagpole.

4. The reflection in the puddle creates a right triangle, where Gretchen's line of sight is the hypotenuse, the distance from the puddle to the flagpole is the adjacent side, and the height of the flagpole is the opposite side.

Let x represent the height of the flagpole.

Using similar triangles, we can set up the following proportion:

(Gretchen's eye height + height of the flagpole) / Gretchen's eye height = distance from Gretchen to the puddle / distance from the puddle to the flagpole

(5.167 + x) / 5.167 = 8 / 20

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then solve for x:

20 * (5.167 + x) = 8 * 5.167
103.34 + 20x = 41.336
20x = 41.336 - 103.34
20x = 61.004
x = 61.004 / 20
x ≈ 3.0502

Therefore, the flagpole is approximately 3.0502 feet tall.

To find the height of the flagpole, we can set up a triangle using Gretchen's height, the distance from her to the puddle, and the distance from the puddle to the flagpole. Let's convert Gretchen's eye height to feet for consistency.

Gretchen's eye height: 5 feet 2 inches = 5 + (2/12) = 5.17 feet

Let's denote:
Distance from Gretchen to the puddle as d1 = 8 feet
Distance from the puddle to the flagpole as d2 = 20 feet
Height of the flagpole as h

We can set up the following proportion:

(Gretchen's eye height + h) / d1 = h / d2

Substituting the given values:
(5.17 + h) / 8 = h / 20

Cross-multiplying, we get:
20(5.17 + h) = 8h

Now, we can solve for h:

103.4 + 20h = 8h
20h - 8h = 103.4
12h = 103.4
h = 103.4 / 12
h ≈ 8.62 feet

Therefore, the flagpole is approximately 8.62 feet tall.

since the angles at the puddle are equal, we have similar triangles, so the height h of the flagpole in feet is given by

h/20 = (31/6)/8