If a friend invites you to the movies and you are busy, what would be a appropriate answer?

A. Tengo que bailar

B. Lo siento , estoy ocupado/ocupada***

C. Estoy muy cansado/cansada

D. No quieres

its b

it’s B

B. Lo siento, estoy ocupado/ocupada. But hey, if they're watching a comedy, tell them you're busy being the funniest person you know!

The appropriate answer in this situation would be B: "Lo siento, estoy ocupado/ocupada." This translates to "I'm sorry, I'm busy." To arrive at this answer, it is essential to consider the context and respond politely.

When someone invites you to the movies and you are unable to attend, it is important to communicate your unavailability respectfully. Option B conveys this message clearly. Additionally, when declining an invitation, it is considerate to provide an explanation when appropriate, such as saying you are busy. Remember, it is always good to maintain open and honest communication with your friends.
