What is one thing Anti-Imperialists and Pro-Imperialists agreed on?

I have been looking for one thing for weeks.

Thank you

The only thing I can think of is that both sides seemed to be rather racists. The anti-imperialists were reluctant to bring "inferior" people under the American flag Imperialists tended to believe "inferior" races would benefit from our benevolence.

Inferior people meaning blacks? What do you mean exactly by inferior races.

Any "other" race has been deemed inferior by some people. It wasn't always black -- but could be Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Native American, etc.

The ancient Greeks believed northern Europeans were inferior and called them barbarians.

To find the answer to your question, you can start by researching the ideologies and beliefs of both anti-imperialists and pro-imperialists. Although these two groups fundamentally disagreed on many issues, there might be some limited areas of agreement. The key is to analyze their viewpoints and identify any common ground. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Begin by researching the main arguments and principles of anti-imperialists. Look for sources that explain their reasons for opposing imperialism, such as books, scholarly articles, or non-fiction works.
2. Similarly, research the beliefs and justifications put forth by pro-imperialists. Understand their perspective and the reasoning behind their support for imperialism.
3. Compare the arguments put forward by both anti-imperialists and pro-imperialists. Look for any overlapping ideas or shared concerns.
4. Pay attention to historical contexts and specific events to see if there were any instances where these groups agreed upon a particular issue or action.
5. Analyze the findings from your research and identify any potential areas of agreement. It might be a shared concern about economic stability, national security, or colonial governance, for example.

While it may be challenging to find a significant common ground between anti-imperialists and pro-imperialists due to their fundamentally opposing views, examining the nuances of their arguments and historical context may uncover a point of agreement, no matter how small or specific it may be.