I have to write a rational for my English class, however I'm stuck on what to write next. The question is: What are the obstacles we face in life, and how they help us become who we are? We are supposed to both relate to real life, and a text that we read in class. I chose the text, To Kill a Mockingbird, and the character Scout Finch. What I have written so far is: Obstacles or conflicts are a common occurrence, seen in both real life and literature. Whether internal or external, obstacles can be difficult to overcome, however, by doing so, positive lessons can be learnt and your view of both the world and the individuals around you opened.

You have given a good general statement. Now you need to include SPECIFIC examples from the book and from your life to back up your generality.

Great start to your rational! To continue your essay, you can focus on discussing the specific obstacles faced by Scout Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird" and how they contribute to her development and shaping her character.

1. Explain the external obstacles faced by Scout Finch: In the novel, Scout faces several external obstacles that challenge her understanding of the world. For example, the trial of Tom Robinson and the racial prejudice prevailing in the Maycomb community provoke her sense of justice, compassion, and empathy. These obstacles force Scout to confront the harsh realities of society and question the fairness and equality she previously believed in.

2. Discuss the internal obstacles Scout overcomes: Alongside external obstacles, Scout also faces internal conflicts within herself. For instance, her struggle to comprehend the hate and prejudice exhibited by others, such as Aunt Alexandra's expectations of her social role as a southern girl, forces Scout to confront her own beliefs and identity. By grappling with these internal obstacles, Scout gradually evolves into a more mature and empathetic individual.

3. Analyze how these obstacles shape Scout's character: As Scout navigates these obstacles, she undergoes significant growth and transformation. For instance, her encounters with racism lead her to challenge societal norms and develop a strong sense of justice. Additionally, her experiences with Boo Radley teach her empathy and the importance of looking beyond surface judgments. Through these obstacles, Scout develops a compassionate and discerning nature, understanding the complex nuances of the world around her.

4. Relate Scout's journey to real-life experiences: After discussing Scout's development in "To Kill a Mockingbird," you can connect her obstacles and growth to real-life situations. Reflect on how many people, including yourself, face similar challenges in their lives. Discuss how overcoming obstacles, whether related to societal issues like prejudice or personal struggles like identity, can shape and define an individual's character and ideology.

Remember to include specific examples from "To Kill a Mockingbird" to support your analysis of Scout's obstacles and growth. Additionally, relate these examples to real-life situations by drawing parallels between Scout's experiences and common challenges faced by individuals in society.