There are 20 questions in a test. Faye answers 17 correctly.

a. What fraction of questions does faye answer correctly?
b. What percentage of the questions does Faye answer correctly?


To find the fraction and percentage of questions Faye answers correctly, we need to use the total number of questions and the number of questions she answers correctly.

a. Fraction of questions correctly answered:
To find the fraction, we need to divide the number of questions Faye answers correctly by the total number of questions:
Fraction = Number of questions answered correctly / Total number of questions

In this case, Faye answers 17 questions correctly out of a total of 20 questions.
So, the fraction of questions Faye answers correctly is: 17/20.

b. Percentage of questions correctly answered:
To find the percentage, we divide the number of questions Faye answers correctly by the total number of questions, and then multiply by 100.
Percentage = (Number of questions answered correctly / Total number of questions) x 100

Using the same values as above, the percentage of questions Faye answers correctly is: (17/20) x 100 = 85%.

Therefore, Faye answers 17/20 of the questions correctly and this is equivalent to 85%.

a. 17/20

b. (17/20) * 100% =